Health Care Professionals

Dr Sam Kuok
I fell into Lifestyle Medicine through discovering how Low Carb worked really well to get blood sugars down. The more I read, the more doors opened up into the fascinating world of Lifestyle Medicine. I believe one of the reasons why our profession is tired and burnt out is that we have been reduced to being health clerks pushing ever changing directions from on high instead of meaningfully engaging with patients on what matters to them. Lifestyle Medicine has injected new energy into my personal practice and I enjoy working with my patients. As clinicians we should walk our talk and engage in the self-care that we promote to our patients. I feel very lucky to be a part of the Aspen partnership which is a progressive partnership embracing new ways of working. Environmental health is inextricably linked with human health and we can no longer afford not to address this.
Desert Island Food – Blueberries.
Favourite meal to make at home – Curry and a boat load of vegetables on the side.
Favourite way to move – Walking every time.
Favourite destination – My bed! I would love to go back to Corsica and Bali. Other favourite destinations are visiting family back home in Malaysia and the in-laws in la belle France.
Mantra – Live and let live, eat and let eat.

Dr Andrews
I was introduced to Lifestyle medicine by a colleague and became fascinated on reading 'How Not to Die' and 'How Not to Diet' by Dr Greger and watching the documentary 'Forks over knives'. These opened my eyes to plant-based, whole food eating and I have been a convert ever since. I feel plant-based, whole food eating can really benefit everyone (and the planet), but especially those who suffer with long term conditions such as diabetes and metabolic disorders.
Desert Island Food – Chocolate
Favourite meal to make at home – Plant-based Fondue.
Favourite way to move – Pilates and hiking.
Favourite destination – Austria, The Lake District and Southern California.
Mantra – You can't outrun a bad diet.

Dr Hodges
After the better part of a decade sitting at a desk, prescribing expensive medicines to reduce people’s blood sugars, and telling them to ‘eat less, move more’…I started to feel it was a bit of a waste of time, not least because no one seemed to feel any better for it and I was increasingly overweight and lacking in energy myself. Lifestyle medicine captured my attention and enthusiasm because I realised that was what Charles Darwin would have described as ‘survival of the fittest’. Afterall, we’re all Africans if you go back a million years and humans didn’t evolve sitting about on chairs eating starchy carbohydrates out of a packet 3 times per day. However, having experienced for myself how much better you can feel, and how quickly you can achieve this, I’m now an evangelical convert to the cause!
Desert Island Food – Seafood
Favourite meal to make at home – Chilli with guacamole and soured cream.
Favourite way to move – Walking up hills with a dog.
Favourite destination – Somewhere near the sea with a good brewery and a heavy rock festival.
Mantra – Go hard, or go home!

Lisa ( Diabetes Specialist Nurse)
Desert island food - cheese
Favourite meal to make at home - Thai green curry and coconut cauliflower rice
Favourite way to move - coastal walks with the dogs
Favourite destination - can’t choose between The Maldives, a Greek island or New York
Mantra- above all be kind!

Debbie ( Diabetes Specialist Nurse)
Favourite meal to cook at home - A roast dinner with loads of vegetables
Favourite way to move- Walking anywhere preferable with the grand puppies 💕
Favourite destinations - Anywhere 😎around the world I enjoy travelling to different places to explore then enjoy an evening by a pool .
Mantra -Always be kind to everyone and never be judgemental

Cathy (Results Nurse)
I developed an interest in lifestyle medicine when I discovered that I could improve my own health and wellbeing by paying more attention to the four pillars of health – food, movement, sleep and stress. I feel better mentally and physically when I pay attention to these things. I enjoy helping patients to learn about what they can do to improve their health too.
Desert island food – strawberries and cream
Favourite meal to make at home – roast vegetables, lentils and halloumi
Favourite way to move – Yoga
Favourite destination – The Austrian Alps, but anywhere with scenic walks will do!
Mantra – Feel better, live more (shamelessly stolen from my favourite podcast)
Health Coaches and Expert Patients

Millie - PHC Ambassador
I came across Low Carb Lifestyle in a simple conversation with a friend. I became inquisitive as to why this worked and started reading, looking at Youtube and the internet to educate myself. For the first time in my life I was able to lose weight without hunger. I managed to put my Diabetes into remission and reduce my Blood Pressure.
I believe everyone has the right to have this information to regain their health. I joined the Eat Real Food at Aspen and this have been very successful in supporting patients with our ongoing health and maintaining good nutrition. We learn from each other and support each other. It makes us accountable for our actions around health and wellbeing. We share the whole health picture of what it means to be healthy.
Desert Island - Food Scallops
Favourite meal to make at home - Cardamom Chicken with lots of fresh coriander.
Favourite way to move - walking, preferably on the golf course.
Favourite destination - Mijas Spain.
Mantra - Nobody’s going to die, if we try this.

Matt Jones
Hi - my name is Matt and I'm a student Nurse associate .
I have 18 years experience working in the healthcare setting. I love anything to do with sports, nutrition and exercise. I exercise most days of the week with a good mix of cardio and strength training.
Desert island food - Bacon
Favourite meal to cook at home - Krapow gai -Thai dish-chicken, chilli and basil
Favourite way to move - Never keep still
Favourite destination - Thailand
Mantra - whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, you are right.